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​Blood donation facts

Facts about blood needs


  •  Blood is needed every time in Brunei Darussalam.

  •  More than 50 units of blood are needed every day.

  •  A total of 15,000 units of blood transfused each year.

  • The average red blood cell transfusion is 3 units.

  • The most frequent type of blood required is blood type O.

  • Blood used during an emergency always have in reserve before the incident occurred.

  • Thalasaemia disease causes patients require blood transfusions almost every week. On average, the patients thalasaemia requires 2 units of blood every 2 weeks.

  • Diabetics also need blood during dialysis.

  • Cancer patients will require blood transfusions almost every day during chemotherapy.

  • Accident victims who suffer severe bleeding may require the transfer of more than 20 units of blood.


Facts about blood supply


  • Total blood donation collected annually in Brunei Darussalam is approximately 15,000 units.

  • Number of blood donors in the State of Brunei Darussalam is approximately 7,000.

  • Blood can not be manufactured or produced - blood can only be obtained from voluntary blood donors.

  • Red blood type O-Negative can be transferred to all patients regardless of their blood type but red blood type O-Negative or any Negative blood type is very. difficult to obtain and there are only a small number of Negara Brunei Darussalam.

  • AB-positive plasma can also be transferred to all patients regardless of their blood type. Plasma types are also often lacking.


Facts about blood donation process


  • Blood donation is a secure process. Sterile needles are used only once and discarded immediately after use.

  • Blood donation process consists of 7 easy steps - filling medical examination form, registration, test levels of hemoglobin, a medical examination, the division of blood bags, blood donation and relax while enjoying a meal.

  •  Each blood donor will be checked blood pressure and pulse by the medical officer to ensure perfectly healthy donors and allowed to donate blood. This is for the safety of the donor itself.

  • Blood donation takes about 10-15 minutes but the blood donation process of filling up the form donors are allowed to leave a donation takes about 1 hour 15 minutes.

  • An adult has 10 pints of blood in the body and only about 1 pint of donated blood.

  • Healthy donors can donate blood every 56 days.

  • Healthy donors can donate blood every 7 days, 24 times a year.

  • All donated blood is tested for infectious diseases, HIV / AIDS, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Syphilis.

  • The personal information you provide during blood donation is considered confidential and will not be distributed or shared without your permission except to the command authorities.


Facts about blood and its components


  • Blood has four components that can be transfused - red blood cells, platelets, plasma and cryoprecipitate. Normally, two or three components can be produced from a single unit of donated blood - and therefore one unit of blood can save up to three lives.

  • Donors can donate blood or certain components only. Donation process specific components - red blood cells, platelets or plasma - called apheresis.

  • A dose of platelet transfusion can be obtained through one apheresis platelet donation or by combining platelets isolated from five blood donation.

  • Most of the donated red blood cells must be used within 42 days from the day of donation.

  • Donated platelets must be used within 5 days. Therefore, platelet donations are always needed.

  • Plasma and cryoprecipitate stored in a frozen state and can be used up to one year after donation.

  • Bone marrow of healthy always provide continuous red blood cells, plasma and platelets. The human body will replace the components of the blood that is lost due to donation - there are replaced within a few hours and some completely replaced within a few weeks.

Facts about donors

  • Reason number one donor donating blood is because they "want to help others"

  • Two reasons are often given by those who have never donated blood is because they "never crossed their minds" and because they "fear of needles".

  • One blood donation can help save the lives of up to three patients.

  • If you began donating blood at age 17 years and donate blood every 56 days until you are age 76, you will spend as much as 48 gallons of blood that may help save more than 1,000 lives!

  • Most of the donors were male and the rest female.

  • Blood Donation Centre only accepts voluntary blood donation.

  • Half of all blood donors in Brunei Darussalam donate blood regularly four times a year, some of the donors donate blood should not exceed 2 times a year and also a small part is new donors had donated.

  • The most common blood type in Brunei Darussalam is type O, followed by type B, type A and the rarest is the type AB.


Facts about Blood Donation Centre


  •  Blood donation activities already underway in Brunei Darussalam before 1980.

  •  Blood donation center that is now established at the end of 2002.

  •  More than 80 percent of the blood supply in the State of Brunei Darussalam supplied by Blood Donation Centre based at Hospital Raja Wife Pg Anak Saleha.

  •  Blood Donation Centre and component supply blood to the patients who need it and the patient is not required to seek donor blood used to replace blood and allows the patient to focus solely on recovery.

  • Blood Donation Centre collaborated with nearly 100 organizations or officials in government departments and the private sector to organize campaigns to mobile blood donation throughout the State of Brunei Darussalam...

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